Related clubs

Royal Anglo-Belgian Club: www.anglobelgianclub.com

Orde van den Prince: brunostalmans _at_ aol _dot_ com (contact)

Vlamingen in de Wereld: www.viw.be

Vlamingen in Surrey
: www.vlamingeninsurrey.co.uk

Vlamingen in de Wereld - New York:

Vlaamse Club Luxemburg
: www.vlaamseclub.lu


Official institutions

Belgian Embassy
17 Grosvenor Crescent
London SW1X 7EE 1SY
Tel: +44 20 7470 3700
e-mail: uk@diplobel.org
website: www.diplobel.org.uk

Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce
Riverside House
27/29 Vauxhall Grove
London SW8 1SY
Tel: +44 20 7820 7839
e-mail: info@blcc.co.uk
website: www.blcc.co.uk

Representative of the Flemish Government in the UK
Flanders House
1A Cavendish Square
London W1G 0LD
website: www.flandershouse.org

Flanders Investment and Trade
Flanders House - Embassy of Belgium
1A Cavendish Square, London W1G 0LD, UK
Tel: +44 20 7307 7710
Fax: +44 20 7307 7711
e-mail: fitlondon@fitlondon.org
website: www.flanderstrade.be or www.ffio.be

The British Chamber of Commerce in België
Sarah Murray, Executive Director
Boulevard St Michel 47, B-1040 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 540 90 30
website: www.britcham.be

Belgisch Staatsblad: www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/cgi/welcome.pl

Belgian Federal Government: www.belgium.be/eportal/index.jsp

Flemish Media

De Standaard
De Tijd
Gazet van Antwerpen
Het Belang van Limburg
Roularta (Knack, Trends)

Culture & Tourism

Toerisme Vlaanderen
Official Website of the Mayor of London and the London Assembly
Transport for London
Timeout London

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